Frequently Asked Questions

Misting FAQ's and Cooling FAQ's

To make life easier for our customers, we have compiled the most commonly asked misting questions below. Keep in mind that this comprehensive collection of Cooling FAQ's and Misting FAQ's may not contain every query; however, it is a very complete list that can address a variety of questions and concerns. 

What is the amount of water pressure needed to create mist?

You must have a minimum pressure of 35 Pounds per Square Inch (PSI). This is the standard rate of supply pressure for city water. 

May I connect this kit directly to my garden hose?

Yes, absolutely!

How much moisture do they produce? Is it a significant amount?

The gallons per hour (GPH) depend on which nozzle you choose. We have four options that range between low and high water usage. Our lowest is 1.26GPH, and the highest is 3.26GPH.

Does the fog rise or fall?

The behavior of fog is based on installation. Fog will drop if the kit is installed from the top. You can customize placement and position to precisely adjust the location of fog according to where it is desired. 

Is the temperature cool or warm?

Without a doubt, it will be cooler! By applying the basics of Flash Evaporative Cooling, our mist systems release a flash of fine fog that evaporates whenever it comes into contact with heat. This efficiently eliminates unwanted warmth to lower an environment’s ambient temperature. 

When will they begin to produce fog?

These devices immediately begin their fog emission process. Results can be observed from the moment that tubes and pipes are filled with natural hydration. 

What if I need my mist to be finer?

Increased pressure equals finer mist. For this purpose, you can look into our affordable Mid Pressure Booster Pump-380. This model has a pressure of 160 PSI. 

Is there something I can purchase if I need an ultra fine mist?

We have High Pressure Pump modules that range between 750 and 1,000 PSI. They emit an incredibly fine mist that is similar to clouds. 

What is the estimated average PSI (Pounds per Square Inch) for pumps of mid-pressure varieties?

Our stock contains two different kinds of Mid-pressure pumps. The standard is 160 PSI, and our latest features 250 PSI. 

How much length does the pump’s power cord have?

Every one of our pumps is uniformly equipped with three prongs and a 6ft cord.

Does each grade have a maximum limit of nozzles that can be used?

Indeed, every pump has its own exact flow capacity. Depending on this figure, it is possible to determine how many nozzles a particular pump can support without experiencing water pressure reduction. Please refer to our “Misting Pumps” section for more information on the nozzle limits that pertain to each pump’s operation. 

Is expansion possible? For example, could I reach a separate tent area from my patio? What kind of system would I need for this?

Almost all of our systems can be expanded. The key is staying under the pump’s overall nozzle capacity. Expansion can be used to reach any part of a house or restaurant. For reference, if someone with a maximum nozzle capacity of 30 is currently using a 20 nozzle system, then they would be able to easily implement an additional 10 nozzles. The extra add-ons will expand reach to a secondary area without degrading the pump’s functionality. 

May I conjoin 2 pumps to increase the pressure?

No, pumps should not be put together. This will cause serious damage to the pumps; therefore, it is not recommended in any way! Instead, look onto the high-flow pumps that we manufacture specifically for projects mandating a big quantity of nozzles. These specialized systems are designed to operate with just one pump. 

Can a mist cooling system be merged with a mosquito control device?

Unfortunately, mosquito control apparatuses are totally separate from mist cooling products. They differ widely in terms of pump sizes, nozzle adjustments, tubing materials and fittings. Furthermore, both methods have completely different approaches to installation, and the operations rely on two incompatible time-frames. Believe us, if it were feasible to mix these systems into one machine, we would have done it a long time ago!

Will a low pressure pump work with high pressured materials and fittings?

The answer is yes, but keep in mind that the tubing, fitting and nozzles must all have their pressure rated high at 1500 PSI. These parts can function naturally within a mid-pressure pump system, which allows you to pursue future pump upgrades without changing the current mist line. 

Are all cleaning materials appropriate, or should my misting system be treated with special chemicals?

The only formula we recommend is our own nozzle cleaner. The FDA has approved it as an effective agent to combat rust and scale. It is proven to be efficient and friendly for the environment. 

How much distance can be placed between my nozzles and the pump? Also, does the misting system’s length influence mist quality or pressure?

With our mist pumps, the first nozzle can be installed to a maximum of 200 feet away. Pressure will not be impacted or changed. The spray remains the same for all of our pump based kits and their nozzle attachments. 

What is the highest number of brackets that can be supported by a misting fan?

It depends, but the misting fan kits always include the right collection of wall mounting hardware.

What can I do to stop leftover water from leaking out of the misting nozzles?

The easiest way to prevent dripping is by incorporating our NON-DRIP or ANTI-DRIP nozzles. Only Mid and High Pressure systems are compatible with these nozzles. A non-dripping nozzle is stationary, but an anti-drip nozzle contains an instantaneous “On” and “Off” switch. 

How can I tell stainless steel apart from nickel plated?

The materials for stainless steel nozzles are 100% stainless steel. These are the best option for misting systems. The next best options available are nickel plated varieties. These particular nozzles and fittings perform near the maximum utility of stainless steel with only a fraction of the expense. We only sell nickel plated nozzles and fittings that have successfully undergone a 100 hour long salt misting analysis. This guarantees that our equipment is capable of maintaining functionality in extremely harsh environments, especially coastal regions with excessive airborne salt. Because nickel is so useful, even our brass equipment is coated with the protective material. 

How frequently do misting nozzles need to be replaced?

Replacements should only be acquired when a nozzle ceases misting. In the meantime, they can be maintained to last for a very long time. Factors in duration of use include water quality and upkeep. A lack of care will lead to clogged nozzles, but this issue can be fixed with our efficient cleaning solution. We also supply 5 micron filters to promote a lengthier lifespan for nozzles in general. Finally, our Scale Free Filtration mechanisms eliminate clogs caused by the presence of hard water scale. 

With what frequency should the system be upgraded?

Misting system filters should be switched about every 3 to 6 months. Filter use should not exceed 24 weeks. Additionally, pumps that rely on oil must be updated after each 500 hour interval of active run-time. 

How many nozzles can I use with a low-pressure system? Can I get a better mist by adding more nozzles?

The majority of our system offerings are outfitted for expansion. Still, low pressure systems are limited by facet strength and the distance being spanned. We have noted that the standard city water pressure of 40 to 60 PSI supports a maximum of 25 nozzles. This set-up can account for about 100ft of tubing. Once this distance is exceeded, flow reduction will become an issue in addition to dangerous pressure levels. Every one of our patio kits is designed according to the latest scientific studies, which allows us to grant customers the top cooling outcomes available on the market. 

Is it possible to convert from a 120v system if I require a 12vDC system?

Of course, but it will require the assistance of a compatible power inverter. This kind of equipment easily converts 12vDC into 110vAC. 

Can you explain the differences between the M and MW Nozzle series?

They are easy to distinguish. The M Series feature pure Stainless Steel; meanwhile, the MW set is outfitted with brass body features. The MW varieties have a more substantial flow rate alongside a wider spray trajectory. 

What is the best nozzle for a misting system with 1,000 PSI?

For the finest mist that can be made, we instruct our customers to implement 0.006” and 0.008” orifice nozzles with their high pressure machines. If increased volume is necessitated, bigger orifice nozzles can be utilized; however, this approach may generate droplets with more volume and density. 

How are misting systems different from fog systems?

Typically, “mist” and “fog” are interchangeable terms. Once in a while, “fog” may be applied in reference to devices that are intended to provide special effects. For our purpose, a misting system is the exact same thing as a fog system. 

Can you explain how misting systems function?

A misting system is usually constituted by an interconnected series of nozzles, which are arranged to linearly cover an area’s perimeter. With a highly pressurized pump attached to the system, hydration is fed through these specialized nozzles, thus becoming atomized into droplets that measure microscopically small at five millionths of a meter (or 5 microns). 

Billions of little water droplets will be created by misting machines every second. When these droplets are placed outside, they are subjected to rapid evaporation. This step takes energy, which is extracted from the air as heat. The product is a decrease in temperature. Based on the area’s relative humidity and ambient temperature, this reduction can reach 35 degrees Fahrenheit. This approach to cooling is the most prevalently used method among all of today’s misting devices. 

If a misting system is installed within an enclosed facility, the first stages will show significant cooling through evaporation; however, interior humidity levels will continue to increase if the air exchange is restricted. Humidity rates can even exceed 90% in these cases. This signature trait of misting devices makes them simultaneously suitable for interior humidification and exterior cooling. 

What are the primary components of misting systems? Why are they necessary?

The basic parts that are needed for a misting system are tubing, misting nozzles and a water source. Extra elements may be needed in cases involving specialized applications of the misting system. Also, upgrades can be used to boost performance.

If you want to use the most effective performance enhancing method available to a misting system that solely relies on line pressure, the best choice is to incorporate a high pressure pump. By effectively building the misting system’s pressure to 1,000 PSI, performance will witness a 300% improvement. This can occur at higher pressures, especially since the droplets are atomized by the misting nozzles to reach between 1/10th and 1/50th the density of a standard line approach. Because these droplets are tinier, they will evaporate at a speedier pace to ultimately foster faster cooling effects. Furthermore, their quantity is multiplied by 40 to 50, which drastically enhances the misting system’s functionality and efficiency. 

How can I figure out which kind of misting system is suitable for my purposes?

Even though standard features for all misting apparatuses are nearly identical, there are many nuanced differences that must be assessed beforehand. 

For example, when a misting system’s performance is a vital factor, we recommend a high pressure system with 1,000 PSI. Every single industrial and commercial purpose must incorporate a high pressure variety of misting technology. 

The pumps needed for highly pressurized misting systems will depend on size, cost and design. It is best to consult with a reputable maker to get personalized assistance in determining which kind of pump is ideal for any specific utility. 

On top of the varying pump choices, there are also multiple kinds of tubing. Certain purposes are fulfilled best with flexible tubes, but some applications can only be achieved with rigid tubing. To make the right choice of tubes for any given need, it is wise to look at both the intended function and the surrounding environment. 

The final considerations to make are the nozzles themselves. They are made to accommodate a variety of flow rates, which lets you tailor your misting tools to precisely fit any purpose and placement. The dynamic mist nozzles will perfectly suit any need from instilling increased humidity within commercial operations to simply cooling down a quaint home patio. 

Is any maintenance needed for misting systems?

Just like all equipment, misting devices have a few maintenance concerns to keep in mind. At the core of every misting system is a pump, which can work for several years with the proper care. The main way to conduct maintenance with the system pump is by checking the oil regularly and changing it during alternating summers. 

Misting systems are actually really easy to maintain. The only other task that should be consistently performed is a periodically cleaning of the nozzles. Also, the system must be fully drained before every winter season. 

By following these basic approaches, a state-of-the-art misting system is guaranteed to work perfectly for many more years!

What is the price of misting systems?

The cost usually ranges between a few hundred dollars and a couple thousand dollars. The price differences are determined based on materials, quality, size, specific needs and optional installation assistance. Before making any buying decisions, is wise to seek consultation with a certified misting system maker that has a minimum of 10 years industry experience. This lets the purchaser have advantageous knowledge before pursuing such a big spending decision. 

Is it possible to do the installation of a misting system on my own?

Many misting systems are made with the “Do-it-Yourself” buyer in mind, and these kits emphasize easy installation. The entire process only needs about 2 to 4 hours for completion. Meanwhile, only bonded and licensed contractors should be employed in instances that mandate professional installations. While this may incur an additional 30% commission, it is worth the price to receive a top-notch installation from a trustworthy contractor. 

How can I tell if the manufacturer has the right system for me in stock?

Ultimately, misting system industries are comprised of tiny niche companies. As a consequence, the best way to find a reputable product source is by basing decisions on a brand’s sustainable experience and overall longevity. A lot of these businesses continue to come and go, and most of them lack the necessary resources to maintain a long-term market presence. They are missing the wisdom, resolve and passion! 

On the other hand, we have been in business for almost three decades, and we bring more than 75 years of combined industry experience to the table. Our focus extends to residential, industrial and commercial operations. There are no other companies that possess our rare competitive edge and innate understanding of misting technology.

What sets high pressure systems apart from low pressure systems?

Basically, a low pressure system can rely strictly on the city’s standard 30-85 PSI water pressure. These low pressure devices typically spray hydration without having the ability to generate fine mist for increased cooling benefits. In contrast, our high pressure modules are made with copper and stainless steel. They are commercial grade with the capacity to support a maximum of 1,000 PSI. Their extra longevity is accompanied by respectably admirable aesthetics. Because a low pressure misting set-up can be updated with a 1,000 PSI pump, you will never need to purchase another pump again, especially after this one facilitates unparallel cooling. 

Can you explain the pump starting process for first-timers?

Sure. When the pump is being started for the first time, it should be set on a flat and sturdy surface. This is also true when preparing to mist when winter ends. Make sure the filter is properly secured and clean. Now, connect the pump to its main water source, and then attach high pressure tubing on the other end. At this point, the pump can be plugged into an electrical outlet. When it is turned on, the mist should start immediately. If no mist appears after 15-30 seconds, an air pocket may be inhibiting flow in the pump head. To fix this, simply switch the pump back off, and then release the gauge to free the pocket of air. Afterwards, re-tighten the gauge and trying turning the pump on again. Mist will appear! If you are still not experiencing the refreshing coolness of mist, please verify that all tubing and fittings are protected against leaks. Now, you can enjoy the benefits of brisk mist circulation. 

How do I find the ideal spot for installing my mist line?

This one is easy! Simply locate a spot on the structure’s bottom outer edge. Now, point the nozzles in a direction facing away from the patio by a 45 degree angle. This positioning will generate a mist curtain to envelop the chosen vicinity in coolness. If you decide to place the mist line under your unit, you must understand that the air flow will be too insufficient to facilitate mist evaporation. As such, moisture may come into contact with the floor, furniture and windows. 

How loud is the pump?

They are pretty quiet. The Direct Drive pumps are known to be more discreet than their pool pump counterparts. 

The pump head uses oil, but what kind is best?

We sell our special 30w non-detergent pump oil that is ideal for maximum misting capacities. Check our accessories section!

Tell me why Direct Drive pumps are different from Pulley Style pumps.

A pulley pump is typically 100% enclosed and cooled by a fan. Being driven directly by the belt and pulleys leads to extended system life and extra quietness. 

What is the best spot for a misting pump?

Most of the time, a misting pump should be put next to the pool equipment facility. For residential abodes, it should be placed on the side of the house that has a hose bib or other water supply. 

Am I able to adjust the pump’s pressure?

Yes. Just use the pump head’s adjustable regulator. Please make sure to avoid exceeding 1,000 PSI, or you might cause serious harm to the misting set-up. 

How do I handle a plugged nozzle?

While this is a rare problem, hard water deposits can sometimes clog nozzles. Try tapping the nozzle against a rigid surface. If the mineral blockade is not dislodged, then disconnect the o-ring. Rinse the nozzle tip in a minute amount of biodegradable cleaner. Vinegar may work as an appropriate supplement. Soak the nozzle for 30 minutes. If it doesn’t spray properly after this treatment, the only option is a replacement. 

Should I consider winterizing my pump?

Yes, but the process is easy. First, separate the pump and water source. Now, detach the nozzles. Remember to drain moisture from the pump, lines and filtration systems. If the set-up is underground, an air compressor can be used to drain the hoses by blowing out all excess hydration. For increased protection in potential freeze spots, you can include non-toxic RV antifreeze. These steps will stave off endless freezing hazards for your misting arrangement. 

Can my pump function in above-average humidity levels?

Of course! Even though the cooling is extra effective in dry regions, it can be adapted to a variety of humid environments. The evaporative cooling process works wonders. Actually, Louisiana provides a perfect example of our systems’ advanced functionality. The humidity rates sometimes pass 60% during 100 degree days, but our devices lower the temperate by up to 15 degrees. 

When mapping out a misting system, what are the most important factors?

There are three vital factors. The first is installation height. The second is required length. The final is local humidity rates. Humid areas mandate a different installation approach for complete effectiveness. 

Does the system require a filter?

Yes they do. Misting nozzles are equipped with incredibly tiny orifices that can easily clog when any particulates are present in the water. This is what our basic filtering kit is for. It gets the job done for almost all users. It will remove all unwanted water particles above a minimum of 5 microns. To increase clog-free functionality, pick a double filter approach with two filters. The first one is at 5 microns, and the second one is a 1 micron filter. This method practically guarantees that your misting system will be free of all clogs. 

What is the amount of water that will be used?

There are a few factors that determine total water usage. The key indications are nozzle size and quantity. In effect, 0.6 gallons would be used per minute via the standard set up. This consists of a 50 foot system equipped with the regular .012 nozzles being spaced apart in 30 inch increments. 

Can standard fans be converted into misting fans?

With our misting rings, yes you can! Fans can be quickly retrofitted into misting fans. Anyone that has high quality fans in their residency or business should take advantage of these conversions to incur serious budgetary savings!

Is my privacy secure in regards to online purchases and transactions?

Absolutely! Every purchase is conducted with a 100% guarantee of safety and security. Furthermore, credit card data will never be shared. It will be strictly used for transactional purposes, and the information is never stored. We promise that your sensitive personal materials will never be distributed to any outside entities. 

Which is better for me: A misting system or misting fans?

Bigger areas will benefit more from misting fans, especially since they can grant cooling effects while also spreading mist around to cover more space. Fans are also the preferred selection for warehouse cooling, especially for events that have large crowds. Meanwhile, less spacious areas will benefit from a misting system instead. These interior regions include patios and outdoor dining spots. For most standard purposes, fans are unnecessary. The movement of air is only effective for especially big places, and misting usually supplies ample evaporative chilling to create cozy conditions. 

What is your shipping method for both misting fans and misting systems?

Because our systems are pretty big, we usually ship them via freight. This is the case for our fans as well. Shipments will typically show up on some kind of pallet in your driveway or delivery dock. If an order includes multiple sections, the items will be merged into single shipments whenever feasible to lower your shipping costs. 

What are the virtues of higher pressure?

Well, it would be impossible to acquire evaporative cooling without the combination of miniature nozzle orifices and heavy pressure pumps. Pushing hydration through the incredibly tiny nozzles generates a fine fog that naturally evaporates into local air. Cheaper varieties from big box shops will only function through inferior wetting methods. 

How can I determine which size pump I should order?

It is our job to assist you in making that choice. Please start by browsing all of the useful tools we provide on our website.

How should the system be designed?

There are many different variables associated with the proper design and installation of a Cool-Off system. The exact application, the needed benefits, and the conditions present at the system location will determine what design is required. Our Technical Support Staff are trained in all aspects and uses of "Heat Stress"?

The human body is designed to operate at 98.6o. When the air temperature, combined with humidity moves the Heat Stress Index (see HSI scale) above 90, the human body becomes stressed. In order for the core body temperature to be maintained at a safe level, two elements are necessary:1.) Convection (wind) and 2.) Evaporation (sweating). As the Heat Index rises, the body produces more sweat in order to cool itself. Prolonged exposure drains the body of vital fluids. This lowers the circulatory volume.

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