misting systems

  1. 8 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Your Patio Misting System

    8 Mistakes to Avoid When Installing Your Patio Misting System
    Installing a patio misting system is simple in theory, but not always so easy to do in practice. We've seen and helped out with thousands of misting installations over the years and let us tell you, if you're struggling or worried about getting confused, you're not alone. Misting requires many pieces to be fit together in one continuous water-tight system, which means there are plenty of opportunities to make mistakes along the way. Fortunately, these mistakes are usually easy to spot and fix. And with the help of today's reel of common misting installation bloopers and solutions, you can avoid all of the most common mistakes before even getting started.

    1) Loose Connections

    By far the most common misting mistake is forgetting to tighten your joints. Because a misting system involves a fair number of nozzles, joints, and elbows, this can be a lot of individual
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  2. Introducing Custom Inflatable Misting Tents and Arches

    Introducing Custom Inflatable Misting Tents and Arches

    Cool-Off ™ is proud to introduce our newest custom product, Custom Inflatable Misting Tents and Arches for serious event excitement. Our customers can now take their logo or message and get maximum exposure during marathons, charity runs, fair, tradeshows, tailgate, or expositions. Our designers work direct with you to create a memorable interactive experience. With sizes to suit every budget we offer full four color art capabilities.

    Simply give us your logo or message and we bring back a rendering of the final product for your approval. Your advertising budget stretches from event to event, cannot be missed, and will be enjoyed by all ages. Wherever fun seekers gather, these inflatables are traffic stoppers. Some call it mist and some call it fog, but all agree it is very very COOL.

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  3. Misting Fans: Commercial, Personal Uses During Storm Season And Beyond

    Misting Fans: Commercial, Personal Uses During Storm Season And Beyond

    If you think it's only hot outside, consider what happens when it gets hot inside (your body):

    • Under extreme heat conditions, the human body begins the shutdown process in less than an hour. The heart and kidneys fail as the body is unable to regulate its internal temperature.
    • At 104 degrees F. heat exhaustion starts, with symptoms including muscle aches, dizziness, nausea, severe thirst, and agitation.
    • At 105 degrees F. the heat stroke process begins, and the symptoms increase: convulsions, vomiting, loss of consciousness, and rapid heartbeat.
    • At 107 degrees F. irreversible organ damage is underway.
    Along with adequate hydration and frequent breaks from heat exposure, providing a misting
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  4. Rock the Fall Farmers Market with a Cooling Mist

    Rock the Fall Farmers Market with a Cooling Mist

    Fall is upon us and so too is the peak season for farmers market shoppers. While you may have been setting up your booth all year round, local shoppers know that if they want the freshest autumn produce and a plethora of carving pumpkins to choose from, it's time to head out to the fall farmer's market. Of course, though we may be debating Halloween costumes and practicing our pumpkin pie recipes, not all regions have a cool autumn. If you live down south where Halloween night can be well above 70 degrees, you know that your fall farmers market crowd is a hot one. Lemonade sales and shady places are still incredibly popular and stands that offer an opportunity to cool off also tend to bring in more business.

    Customers With Cooling

    Whether you sell bouquets of fresh peppers or grill up delicious little sausages for a mid-shopping nosh
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  5. The Profitability of Cool Misty Dining All Year Round

    The Profitability of Cool Misty Dining All Year Round

    During the cooler months of the year, many customers prefer the breezy luxury of patio dining at their favorite restaurant. Building a popular outdoor dining area involves a combination of shady privacy and appealing street view. When artfully done, customers on the sidewalk will look in and see how lovely your patio dining is while customers on the patio will feel exclusive and secluded at their shaded outdoor tables. However, during the hottest summer months, suddenly that lucrative patio space 'dries up' so to speak as customers dive for the AC cooled dining rooms. How can you keep some of your best seating open during the summer? The answer is to keep your patio cool with subtle and enjoyable misting.

    How Misting Works

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  6. Support Youth Athletics and Keep Kids Safe with Cooling Tents

    Support Youth Athletics and Keep Kids Safe with Cooling Tents

    Youth athletics are a great way to bring your family together. Everyone loves to cheer on their local team, and youth athletics help children and teens gain team-building skills, develop their athletic talents, and get plenty of exercise in a positive, supervised environment. However, extreme heat puts a damper on even the best youth athletic activities. Fortunately, there's an easy way for parents and friends to support youth athletics, even in the hot summers. Cool off your team in the shade of a misting tent, or set one up to watch your kids play in the sun. Is a misting tent right for you? Read on to learn more about these amazing products.

    Reduce risk of heat exhaustion

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  7. The Big Advantages of Industrial Cooling from Cool-Off

    The Big Advantages of Industrial Cooling from Cool-Off
    When the heat of summer really kicks into high gear, keeping workers cool can be an enormous task, opening up the possibility of damaging heat stress and related health problems if employers don’t take environment control seriously. While finding the right solution can be tricky, particularly for open-air work sites, industrial scale misters can not only keep your workers cool and focused but can help mitigate equally troublesome dust particles that also can plague a workplace. Here’s a breakdown of the advantages of using industrial-grade misters to help make ensure a work environment that is both healthy and productive even during the hottest
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  8. Youth Athletics Cooling: Keeping the Sun at Bay

    Youth Athletics Cooling: Keeping the Sun at Bay
    little league baseball player up to batYouth sports can be one of the most wholesome activities that you’re likely to find, bringing together some healthy competition and good old-fashioned parental excitement to complete the atmosphere. But even though everything can feel almost sublime on the perfect sunny day, bubbling underneath the surface lurks the very real dangers of dehydration, hyponatremia or even heat stroke if the proper precautions aren’t taken. More than just applying sunscreen and making sure young athletes stay hydrated, utilizing products like misting tents, portable misters, and even patio umbrellas can prove a relatively inexpensive way to give your athletes the refuge from the
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  9. Eliminate Human Resource Complaints with Workplace Cooling

    Eliminate Human Resource Complaints with Workplace Cooling

    You care about the welfare of your employees. You listen and sympathize when they talk about not being able to do their jobs properly because of the heat. Summers, especially in the Southern and Western United States, can be brutal. The heat can take its toll on your employees and even impact the way you do business. Heat-related conditions can be serious, and even deadly. The United States Department of Labor reported that 2,630 workers suffered from heat-related illnesses while on the job in 2014. Overheating can cause a host of health problems for your employees, including heat stroke and heat exhaustion. People who work outdoors in extreme heat are at risk. This includes agricultural workers and construction workers. However, heat-related problems don't just occur for employees who work outdoors. The Centers

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  10. Boost Your Restaurant's Annual Profits with Cool Patio Dining All Year

    Boost Your Restaurant's Annual Profits with Cool Patio Dining All Year

    For many regions, the temperature rise in spring is only a harbinger of the hot summer months to come. During the summer, people go out more, vacations are planned, and tourism picks up practically everywhere. This rise in temperature, sunny weather, and happy activity has a huge impact on restaurants who stand to benefit from the business brought by summer traffic. In hotter areas, many restaurants face an interesting summer challenge, that of packed indoor tables and empty patio seating. Most of the year, the patio is a wonderfully cool place to eat out in the breeze and get free from the busy dining room, but in the hottest part of summer, everyone wants to sit in the air conditioning. Fortunately, this doesn't mean your patio seating is closed until sundown. As it often does, science and modern technology have a solution: mist-cooling

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